Remake of the A-Team

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Now that Knight Rider has a remake, a friend and I were fantasizing about who would star in a remake of the A-team. Apparently Hollywood is even working on planning this. No cast is known. Anyways here is our list: Hannibal: George Clooney Murdock : Jack Black B.A. : Michael Clarke Duncan (too old?) Face: Matthew McConaughey (my friend is… Read more »

Photo shoot out!

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Contestant number one: The Fujifilm finepix S620z: This camera served me well from 2003 to 2007. It went to countries like, France, Sweden, Spain and others including Brasil and New Zealand. This camera has seen a lot of awesomeness that exists in the world.

Woot wacom

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I am quite a fan of wacom tablets since 7 years.  My latest wacom bamboo finally arrived at work. Very good to see that their technology has improved even more over the years. Problem is, now I want one at home too instead of my old Sapphire :S

Linksys continued..

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Well apparently my wireless post is not finished.. The ralink drivers ran fine for a while but then the lag spikes started again. The connection drops for one second once in like two minutes. In World of Warcraft it is not that big of a problem. But in Call of Duty fast connection is what you need all the time…. Read more »

Disabling buttons for non-admins in dokuwiki

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I am using dokuwiki for an intranet on one of the sites I am maintaining. I wanted to disable certain buttons for users who are not administrators, like the profile and the revision buttons. It was for me not easy to find. Hence I am posting it here. The way I did it was editing the following in the main.php… Read more »

Birthday present!

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I have received a couple of nice presents for my birthday. On is on the picture below. I am quite happy with it. So.. you are probably  thinking:  “ok that is just a pair of scissors…” but trust me they are not. Using scissors is something the majority are familiar with. But for lefties like I am, using scissors is… Read more »

Brasil : Day 7 and 8

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Day 7 Relax day, with some shopping, lunch, packing and dinner in Olinda Day 8 After a nice breakfast, I went by bus back to Natal to take a flight back home It was a very nice, but short holiday.

Brasil : day 4,5,6

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Day 4 went to the island, went to the beach for a swim and some beer. In the evening the local town was crowded with locals holding a campagne for their local major candidate. Day 5 Went on a boattrip to see some sites. Returned sun burned from the boat trip to see a fort and some sea cows (that… Read more »