Day 4 – Fimucite 7

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Sadly the last day of this festival. Since we had a busy day yesterday we decided to relax during the day. We drank coffee in the lobby, went for some drinks and spent some time in the pool. The last concert started at 20:00 so went for a quick bite at the McDonalds.

The last concert was named a ‘gala’. For Ad a good reason to suit up. The concert started with the prize winner of a Spanish critic reward Alfonso de Vilallonga. As part of the prize the orchestra played his suite from ‘Blancanieves’. Alfonso himself played the piano. Next on the program were pieces from the Dreamworks Animation studios. The orchestra played pieces like ‘Wallace and Grommit’, ‘Rise of the Guardians’ and ‘Puss in Boots’. The highlights for me were ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ and of course a full choir playing kazoos for the track ‘Building the Crate’ from ‘Chicken Run’. The first halve of this concert ended with ‘When you Believe’ sang by Esther Ovejero, Lorena Garcia, Girls choir and finally full choir. This halve can be summarized very easily by the small Spanish boy in front of me. He showed his dad his goose bumps on his arm. He is going to grow up just fine!

Second halve was a selection of 35 years of Varese Sarabande. Suites were played from several scores from Vareses massive soundtrack collection. Music from ‘Basic Instinct’, ‘Unforgiven’, ‘Iron Giant’, ‘Matrix’, ‘Air Force One’ and many many more. Also stand alone pieces were performed. I was a bit disappointed by ‘Game of Thrones’, the Cello solo could not be heard. His mic was not on for some reason. It was made up with the suite from ‘Star Trek – Into Darkness’ wow, what a piece! After a long night of score awesomeness two encores were played. One were a couple of pieces for flute (one was Star gate) performed by Sara Andon. The evening ended with Diego’s own score ‘Oscar’.

This concert was a very good conclusion for my second Fimucite festival! To me they have outdone their performance of two years ago when I was on this fantastic island. Special mention goes to the awesome taxi driver who brought us home with open windows and ‘The Doors’ bursting out of his speakers in the middle of the night.

For those who are interested: Fimucite 8’s logo hinted Pixar movies (Randy Newman as a guest?) and will be held from July 4 to 12 2014. Next stop: Krakow film music festival late September!