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Yay another post from me. Something tells me that blogging is not really my thing :-)

One of the excuses I can use for not blogging much is that I have been on holiday. My brother lives in Brasil. In the city Recife to be precise. He was spending the holidays with friends in the Southeast of Brasil: the city Vitoria and surroundings. I went there for two weeks after new year to spend time with my brother. We went to the cities of Rio, Victioria and Salvador. We just relaxed at the beaches and visited some tourist sites in the cities. We also went to a place called Paraty. Which supposed to be a paradise. Unfortunately for us it was raining.. :-) My highlight of the holiday was staying two days at a range of a farmer family my brother knows for 13 years. The range lies in the inner lands of Brasil and shows the other side of Brasil. Instead of loud cities with high crime rates you get quietness, peace and very friendly people.

Overall these two weeks were one of the most impressive holidays I have ever had.

Some piccies:

Jesus statue Rio

Jesus Statue Rio

Rio overwiew

Overview of Rio from the Sugar Loaf

Farmer's range

The farmer’s range and his land. (Hmm coffee..)

Locals relaxing in the sea

Local people enjoying the sea in Salvador

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